Krabi Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Krabi, Thailand.
Krabi area is considered including Ao Nang and Krabi Town. Ao Nang is more touristic but there are tourists in the town as well. If you're interested in searching for prostitutes, Ao Nang is better choice.
[hide]- 1 Sex Scene and Prostitution
- 2 Where to Get Sex Now
- 3 Red Light Districts
- 4 Prostitutes and Sex Workers
- 5 Street Hookers
- 6 Hookup and Pick Up Local Girls
- 7 Go Go Bars and Girlie Bars
- 8 Brothels
- 9 Erotic Massage Parlors
- 10 Transsexuals / Ladyboys
- 11 Gay and Lesbian
- 12 Sexual Services for Women
- 13 Sex Shops and Adult Stores
- 14 Escort Services & Agencies
- 15 Sleeping
- 16 Stay Safe
- 17 See Also
Sex Scene and Prostitution
Finding sex from prostitutes in Krabi is easy, it's not embarrassing or dangerous.
Girls might approach you, but you can sit alone and choose or move on at will. It’s a good idea to get to know the prostitutes; to be sure you enjoy the company of the one you eventually take home. The hookers in Krabi will happily party with you, if you buy them drinks (slightly more expensive as they include a commission for the girl). When you are ready to take one of the prostitutes home, you will have to pay a bar fine, which is from 300 - 600 baht depending on the establishment. If you’ve behaved badly, though, the girl might turn down your bar fine.
Once your bill is settled the two of you are free to leave. From there it’s entirely up to you - a disco, restaurant, your hotel room, a short-time hotel room - but you should first agree a fee with the hooker (before the bar fine). How much depends on; how much you want her, how beautiful she thinks she is, how busy/slow it is, and whether you want her for ‘short time’ or all night sex. Your looks may also make a difference on price for sex and availability, but definitely there are more factors to take in consideration.
Krabi´s nightlife area for party people would be around Center Point in Ao Nang and near Loh Dalum Beach on Koh Phi Phi and from this area you can find plenty of girls looking for a one night stand, quick cash, future husband or a sugardaddy.
In Ao Nang the main nightlife and hooker area is Center Point, and in here you will find nightlife, Go Go bars and erotic massage parlors. Many of the Thai girls in this areas nightclubs are freelance prostitutes, but there are also normal thai girls and tourists, so please be discreet when talking to the ladies.
Where to Get Sex Now
It is easy to get sex online in Krabi. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!
Red Light Districts
There's one bar street in Ao Nang where you can find girlie bars. You can pick up the girls with you from those bars if you'll pay the bar fine. Girls are mostly from other parts of Thailand, and Cambodia.
Prostitutes and Sex Workers
If you don't feel like visiting girlie bars or don't have time to find girls from the streets, one option is to download WeChat application to your smart phone. There are usually many prostitutes online and you can search and chat with them from the same area. A high percentage of WeChat prostitutes are ladyboys so make sure what are you ordering.
Street Hookers
There aren't street hookers a lot in Krabi, but for example in Ao Nang they might be looking for customers near the girlie bar street or the beach road. Krabi is a family destination so you shouldn't think any similar action than in Pattaya.
Hookup and Pick Up Local Girls
Meeting local girls and getting laid for free is fun! Read more on how to pick up girls in Krabi:
Go Go Bars and Girlie Bars
- In Ao Nang area there is at least one short street which is full of bars with working girls. When you are heading uphill from the Ao Nang beach road to the street where are lots of guest houses and restaurants, you will have to walk just few minutes up and it will be located on your right side. Just look for a sign of RCA Entertainment and you have found you destination. If you want to take the girl from the bar, you will have to pay a fee to the bar (usually 300-500B), and of course you can negotiate rest of the price with the girl. Some of them might ask you ridiculous prices at first if you look like a stupid tourist (even 20 000 bahts), but you can definitely get it cheaper. Normal going rate of the girls for full service for one hour (without the bar fine) is between 1,000 and 2,000 bahts. The best selection of girls is before mid night. Near 3am when the area and bars are closing, there are not so many girls available (not good ones).
There aren't any real brothels in Krabi area, but you will find some massage salons where you can have extra services.
Erotic Massage Parlors
Some massage parlors are offering extra services, like hand jobs and blow jobs. Extras usually cost somewhere around 500 - 1000 bahts.
Transsexuals / Ladyboys
Unlike formal ladyboy shows, ladyboy bars are venues where socializing takes precendence over performing. Ladyboy bars are a mixed bag, where being hustled for a drink is all part of the good-natured fun. If you're easily shocked or offended, we'd recommend a formal ladyboy show instead. Looking for a hot time and a good story? Ok, go to a ladyboy bar, and prepared for anything! There are too many lady boy bars in Bangkok to count, but the following are among the most noteable. See under Gogo bars.
Ladyboys in Massage Parlors
In almost half of the massage parlors in Krabi you can find at least one ladyboy. They are willing to do happy ending massage if you give them some tip (300 - 500 bath).
Gay and Lesbian
Gay modeling in internet is getting more popular all the time and it's a big market alongside with gay porn. You can watch gay live sex also in Krabi as long as you are connected to internet. Check it out: Gay Live Sex Video Chat
Sexual Services for Women
If you are open to local men, your chances of dating are not much worse than in other countries. To be fair: It’s true that a western woman will have it a bit more difficult than her western counterpart. Thai guys don’t throw yourself at you – and those that do are usually no good. But there is definitely an interest and curiosity from the side of Thai men that is often challenged by shyness and a lack of English skills. Plus many Thai men approach women in a very subtle way. Maybe you’ve been approached and didn’t even notice it. Learning the language and Thai culture will make your live easier (again: Duh! It’s common sense!).
Sex Shops and Adult Stores
If you don’t feel like visiting or cannot find any local sex shops in Krabi, you can easily order adult products from Online Sex Shop. You can find, fake Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra (jelly) and sex toys. Sold by the street vendors there.
Escort Services & Agencies
Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.
There are now-a-days also escorts working in Krabi, but it's not like escorting business what we have used to see for example in UK. In Krabi you can find some escorts and semi-pro working girls from WeChat application. You can chat with them from the same area and ask about the prices and so on. The you can just order her to visit your hotel.
In Krabi almost every hotel accepts to bring company to hotel room. Not a big deal. Sometimes hotels can ask for some extra cash, so you can ask before booking the room to be sure.
Most hotels and guesthouses have open air and go-go bars attached to them, and these type of places are perfect since you just need to go downstairs and pick up a freelancer girl for sex.
There are also options for a short time room where you can bring company. All the prostitutes know the closest short time rooms around. Prices between 150-300 bath.
But you should remember that if you have a hotel room in Krabi it is much easier to have sex with the prostitutes and also have sex with the local and tourist girls you meet at the bars and beaches. So do not be a cheap ass and stay at the hostel.
The main areas where to find escorts and freelancer girls in Krabi would be around Center Point in Ao Nang and near Loh Dalum Beach on Koh Phi Phi. This area is the nightlife area of Bali and you can also find free sex in here since many tourist and local women like to party at this area.
If you stay in the Ao Nang, the most of the prostitution and nightlife is at the Center Point. So you should pick a hotel or airbnb as near as possible to this area.
Stay Safe
Krabi is relatively safe place to stay. All kind of sexual transmitted diseases can be found in Krabi. Be aware of ladyboys, they try to steal valuables from tourists and customer. Just use common sense.
There are pros and cons when it comes to taking a Thai freelancer prostitute back to your room:
- You will not know if your companion has been checked for sexually transmitted diseases.
- There's more of a personal security risk. She could drug you and rob you of anything that's not nailed down. This may not happen if the hotel you are staying in requires sex workers to leave their I.D. cards with security. But still, be careful.
- Possibility of too young girls. You don't want any problems with the police do you?
- You don't have to pay a bar fine so you'll save 500 Baht - 600 Baht.
- Many speak a decent amount of the English language.
- You don't have to pay for bar drinks which will save you another few hundred Baht.
- Drinking alcohol on the streets is legal (except religious observances). So you can buy a beer for cheap at a 7-Eleven and stand around and check out the local talent absolutely free.
See Also
- Thailand, Pattaya, Phuket, Ko Samui, Ko Samet, Hua Hin
- Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
- Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville
- Singapore
- Age of consent in Thailand
- Ages of consent in Asia
- Prostitution in Thailand
- Thai Sex Phrasebook
- Prostitution, Prostitution Prices, Street prostitution
- Sex topics & Phrasebooks, Sex worker, Prostitute types
- Red-light district, List of red-light districts all over the world
- Brothel, Escort agency, Call girl, Erotic massage, Strip club
- Sex tourism, Sex industry, Countries with most prostitutes
- Sex vocabulary & Abbreviations, Humorous sexual terms
- Gay and lesbian travel, Gay, Lesbian, Shemale, Ladyboy
- Age of consent, Sexually transmitted disease, HIV/AIDS