Category:Ladyboy FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About Ladyboys

See also: List of ladyboy friendly Hotels in Bangkok
1. I know I want to go with a ladyboy but I don't want to get seen in public. What do I do?
Many bars have Short Time rooms on the premises so you don't even need to leave the bar apart from after you have done the deed. Also you are never very far from a Short Time hotel in Thailand, any ladyboy worth her salt will know where they are.
2. How do ladyboys get breasts?
Some have silicone implants, and some use hormone tablets. The hormone tablets that they take not only over time develop breasts but also the the ladyboy a more feminine look. Unfortunatly for some this means that depending on how strong the hormones are the ladyboy can no longer get an erection when aroused. However, some ladyboys can even lactate! I have known ladyboys take hormone tablets from the age of 12.
3. What about when I get to the hotel, will I get funny looks?
The majority of hotels in Thailand are "ladyboy friendly" this means that they have no problem letting a ladyboy stay with you in your room. Ladyboys are a large part of Thailands culture and it is only a small minded minority that don't treat ladyboys the way they expect to be treated.
4. Where can I find Ladyboys?
Ladyboys are everywhere, from bars and agogo's to shopping malls and cinema's. If you have been to Thailand already there is a good chance that you have been around ladyboys and never even noticed!
5. What happens when you go with a ladyboy. Do I have to do anything?
When you spend some time with a ladyboy what you do is completely up to you. You shouldn't feel obliged or pressured into doing anything. If it is your first time let her take the lead and just be open minded and most importantly have fun!
6. Why do people call ladyboys her/she?
Ladyboys consider themselves female in all respects, regardless of if they have male genitalia or not. So people use feminine terms out of respect.
7. When I go with a ladyboy how much do I have to pay?
If you take a ladyboy from a bar or agogo there will usually be a barfine to pay. This is a fee charged by the bar for taking the girl away from work for the night. The barfine will differ depending on if you are taking her short time or long time and is usually around 300 to 600 THB. You should also agree a price with the girl before you take her, this will again depend if you are taking her long time or short time and could be anything between 1000 to 3000 THB. If you use a short time room then you will usually be required to pay a fee for the room also usually around 300 THB.
8. I hear that ladyboys might steal from me or my room, is this true?
It's sad that there are some ladyboys who do give others a bad reputation. I would say that it's best to use common sense with regard to your personal belongings in your room. Before you go out lock away all your valuables (most hotel rooms have room safes which are free to use). Also when you are out and about only carry just enough cash for your night and try to leave expensive items locked in your room. If you are careful and take away the opportunity then you will minimise the risk.
9. What happens in a ladyboy bar/a go-go?
A bar or agogo is where you can go to meet ladyboys and have a good time with your friends over a few drinks. There is usually a lot on offer and lots to see. If you like any one (or two!) ladyboy in particular you can ask the mamasan (lady who looks after the girls) to allow the girl you like to come and sit with you for a chat. If you wish, you may also buy the lady a ladydrink (drink which is slightly more expensive and includes a small commission for the girl) It's then your choice if you want to barfine her and spend some time with her or allow her to carry on dancing.
10. I hear that getting oral sex from a ladyboy is better than getting it from a real girl.
Many people say that and I personaly agree but the only person who can really answer that is you!
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