Mango Street
Mango Street, (also known as Mango Avenue / Square or Gen. Maxilom Avenue) is like heaven and the Cebu angels are there. Sex workers are selling there bodies for about 500-2500 pesos depending the services you want. Prices vary a lot. Cheapest ones are the girls and trannies who are not allowed near he Mango Square clubs. These girls and especially the trannies who hang out near the 7/11 and downhill from the Mango Square are dangerous because if they get a chance they will steal things from your pockets but rarely start fights.

There are many begging youngsters and homeless people in the are also. Just avoid them!
Prostitution in the Philippines is illegal unless the translation is done in a bar. In the bar you get a strip bar girl you will need to pay the bar. The strip bar fines is about 2500-5000 pesos.
J Ave is a great club with many Cebu ladies starving for tall, white meat. If you are trying to get a quick one-night stand, most of your time will be spent dancing them into bed. These girls might expect a little money after a quick one night stand. A white guy is a status symbol in the Philippines. They like Koreans and Japanese because its easier to get their money. Black men are favored for their big, long black wallets. In the Philippines all foreigners (and their money) are welcome. If you are concerned about racism don’t worry, because there are no black, yellow, brown or white people.. only green.. you are a walking dollar $ in Mango. If you have money and show a little bit of respect, you will be treat very well.
If you want to just pay and get down to business, just step right outside and you will be asked right away especially if its a weekend and you happen to be a foreign looking guy. The street of Mango is littered with all kinds of hookers. You will find Cebu girls in different sizes and shapes: Fat ones, thin ones. Yes, you can get ALL types of working girls from the ugliest to the prettiest. Use protection because many of them go through 100′s of guys with no protection. Its a recipe for the finest STDs; its like a STD Adobo. Mango is a street ripe with sexually transmitted diseases.
Also, beware of underage girls. It is a serious crime to be in the company of a girl under the age of 18 in an enclosed place such as a hotel room or apartment, even if you are not doing anything naughty. There have even been stories of girls who are working in tandem with corrupt law-enforcement officers to entrap foreigners and extort money from them. If in doubt, tell the girl that she must have ID with her because the receptionist at your hotel will ask for it before she can go up to the room.
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