
Khabarovsk Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Khabarovsk, Russia.

Monument to Yerofey Khabarov in Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk or Chabarovsk (Russian: Хаба́ровск, khah-BAH-ruhvsk) is a city on the Amur river in the Russian Far East, near the Chinese border. Often overlooked due to its proximity to Vladivostok, Khabarovsk could easily be a highlight in the long line of predominately dull cities along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Sex Scene and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Russia, but the fine for prostituting is symbolic and amount to from 1500 to 2000 Russian rubles (about 30-40 euros). This sum is less than many Russian prostitutes earn for the standard for Russia one-hour work. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the sexual practice is widespread and so blatant in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and every other major Russian city.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Khabarovsk. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

There is no specific Red Light district in Khabarovsk, but local prostitutes usually hang out in the city center and by the airport. These night butterflies come out in evenings when people come back from work and most of them want to relax.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

Prostitutes can be found both on streets and online. Street prostitutes are the cheapest ones and, at the same time, the most dangerous to deal with. Most of these girls are sick and go out on streets out of despair. No respectable man will approach them. More expensive and "cleaner" prostitutes work in saunas and on calls. The most expensive girls can be found in strip clubs, massage parlors and working as individual escorts.

Street Hookers

Street hookers in Khabarovsk are not very visible on public. Instead, you will find a lot of ads all over the city. In many cases they just put papers with their names and numbers on walls of buildings, garage doors, trees, etc. Usually you just have to call and ask in order to find out if this prostitute works and what services she provides. It is easy to negotiate with these hookers and they can either come to your place or she will invite you to her apartment.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

Strip clubs in Khabarovsk are not as pompous as they are in big cities of the country, but they still have something to offer for everyone. These venues usually open late in the evening, can fit up to 30 people at a time and have interesting shows. Strip clubs try to change their show programs if not every day, then regularly. But many of the visitors do not care about the show, all they care about are naked sexy bodies on stage. Strippers usually take off everything except for panties and panties they can take off only in a VIP room and just for one client. A private dance normally lasts two songs, but you can always prolong it or even barfine the stripper if you want and can afford it.

  • Zажигалка, Karl Marx street 96a (ул. Карла Маркса, 96A), tel.: +7 800 333-88-68, working hours: 22.00-6.00
This strip club is a part of a federal chain of bars.
  • VID, Serysheva street 42 (ул. Серышева, 42), tel.: +7 421 234-03-40, working hours: 21.00-6.00


Brothels are illegal in Russia, therefore you will not be able to find them in a classic from - no bright lights and half naked prostitutes in hallways, inviting passers-by to come in. Brothels in Khabarovsk hide in fear of loosing their business. That's why you will not see any open bold advertisement of such venues. You will find their ads in local newspapers in the Entertainment section. Local taxi drivers know where whore houses locate as well.

Erotic Massage Parlors

All erotic massage parlors in Khabarovsk offer basic services as classic massage, relax, body-to-body massage, deep prostate massage, Thai massage and fetish. You come to the venue, where you are met by a receptionist. You leave her money for the session and she takes you to the massage cabinet. In a classic program you are invited to take a shower with a masseuse who will wash you with her soft hands. Then you lay down and she starts working. Firstly she starts massaging your neck, back and legs. Her hands are warm and oily. Then she turns you around, massages your chest and then goes down and starts to masturbate you. Once you have cum, the masseuse cleans you with a towel and takes you to the shower again. The session ends with a tea ceremony. Addresses of erotic massage parlors in Khabarovsk:

  • СОБЛАЗН, Rabochiy gorodok street 14 (yл. Рабочий городок 14), tel.: 89144019908
Prices start from 2500 rubles/41$ for an hour of a classic massage.
  • ОРИОН, Lenina street 26 (yл. Ленина 26), tel.: 79242013312
Prices start from 2500 rubles/41$ for an hour of a classic massage.
  • VIRGINIA, Dzerzhinskogo lane 20 (переулок Дзержинского, 20), tel.: 89842633020
Prices start from 2000 rubles/34$ for an hour of a classic massage.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Khabarovsk doesn't have classic escort agencies as you may find in other European cities. Local escorts are formed of individual prostitutes who work for themselves and keep all the profit. Sometimes these girls group together and choose a pimp for themselves. It is done for personal safety of the working girls, i. e. protection from drunk and crazy clients. These ladies care about their reputation and that's why try to do their best to satisfy a client.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There are no transsexuals in Khabarovsk. Because of the Soviet past, such people are not accepted by society. It is recommended to find shemales online to have a webcam sex.

Gay and Lesbian

Gays and lesbians are not tolerated by Russians. Homosexual activity is considered at least unusual. An attitude depends on person's own beliefs, therefore do not admit if you are a homosexual to people you don't know. Gay and lesbian escort may be hard to find in Khabarovsk.

Sexual Services for Women

Pretty women don't have to worry about lack of sexual activities in Khabarovsk. There are not many men escorts, but there are many sexually hungry local men around. She can meet a man willing to spend a romantic night with her on streets, in bars or cafes. It is advised to meet local lovers in the hotel, because it is safer.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

Sex shops in Khabarovsk offer the following goods: erotic lingerie, men's and women's costumes for role games, anal toys, BDSM, fetish accessories, vaginas, masturbators, vibro kits, gels, massage oils, intimate cosmetics, dolls, condoms, souvenirs, pharmacy and more. The goods can be chosen from the website and picked up at a post office or bought in actual stores. You can find them at:

  • Венера, Shevchuka street 15 (ул. Шевчука, 15), tel.: +7 421 248-49-92
  • Клубничка, Leningradskaya street 37b (ул. Ленинградская, 37Б), tel.: +7 421 261-40-45


Khabarovsk offers different options for accommodation for travelers starting from hostels where many people share one room to upscale hotels. Receptionists and security workers usually have contacts or know spots where sex travellers can find prostitutes. Another option is to rent a private apartment where no one will watch you and your guests.

Stay Safe

Application of common sense and basic precautions that are advised to apply in every place of the world will make your trip to Khabarovsk nice and safe: keep your valuables hidden, don't talk and moreover, don't follow strangers and don't show everyone if you have a lot of money and always wear a condom.

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