
Cheboksary Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Cheboksary, Russia.

View of Cheboksary.

Cheboksary (Russian: Чебокса́ры chee-bahk-SAH-ree) is the capital of Chuvashia in the Volga Region of the Russian Federation. About 600,000 people live here and in the nearby satellite city Novocheboksarsk.

Sex Scene and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Russia, but the fine for prostituting is symbolic and amount to from 1500 to 2000 Russian rubles (about 30-40 euros). This sum is less than many Russian prostitutes earn for the standard for Russia one-hour work. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the sexual practice is widespread and so blatant in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and every other major Russian city.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Cheboksary. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

There is no distinct Red Light district in Cheborsary, but you can still find street hookers in the area. They usually hang out on streets in the city center and highways leading to the city. Most of them are very cautious and will not go to the place they don't know.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

Most of the prostitutes in Cheboksary work either for themselves of for an agency with which they have to share a part of their income. Some of the girls still work on streets, but they move to Internet more and more because of the weather and regular police raids.

Street Hookers

Street prostitutes are not tied to their spots in Cheboksary. Either because of the fear of local police officers or because they decide to change the spot in search of better opportunities, street hookers don't stay in one place for a long time. Some of them work through Internet and come out on streets rarely. Hourly prices are from 1000 to 5000 rubles (17-83$).

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

Men love with their eyes. This is a well-known fact that is used in a striptease business. Here every man from a simple employee to a successful businessman enjoys a beautiful show and sexy bodies and there is nothing wrong with it! A strip club offers professional performances on stage and a lot of additional services like strip games, contests, a dance with a stripper on stage or a slow dance with a waitress. The staff is very attentive to the needs of every customer, therefore if you have something naughty in mind, feel free to ask about it.

  • BURLESQUE, Vodoprovodnaya street 22/1 (Водопроводная улица, 22к1), tel.: +7 (8352) 38-89-90, website:, working hours: 21.00-6.00.
  • Зажигалка, Rechnikov square 5 (Речников площадь, 5), tel.: +7 (800) 333-88-68, website:, working hours: 22.00-6.00.


Many prostitutes have moved to brothels because it is safer and clients come over themselves. Local brothels can be found in saunas, studio apartments or private apartments with many rooms. There is always a "manager" who is responsible for attracting clients, personal safety of hookers and financial matters. Drunk or untidy men will not be let in. Here prostitutes take care of themselves more or less, but you still should wear a condom and take a shower after the sex.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Lives of people living in a 21st century are full of stress: at work, on streets and even at home! That's why nowadays we need a good mean of relaxation more than ever. Cheboksary offers relaxing massage for those who live in tension. Here you can find a few erotic massage parlors and individually working girls (who may be strippers or prostitutes as well) to go to for a good session. In a classic program a sexy masseuse starts from taking a shower with a client or going to a jacuzzi together. After both are clean, the client lays on a bed and she starts massaging him. Both stay naked. The session ends with a happy ending and then they take shower again.

  • РЕЛАКС, Karl Mrx street 52 (ул. Карла Маркса 52), tel.: (8352) 20-30-90
Prices start from 4000 rubles/66$ for an hour.
  • STATUS, Egerskyi boulevard 42 (Эгерский бульвар, 42), tel.: 21-45-00
Prices start from 2000 rubles/34$ for an hour.
  • ТАЙНА, Denisova boulevard 4 (Бульвар Денисова 4), tel.: +78352381138
Prices start from 2500 rubles/41$ for an hour.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

There are quite a few agencies in Cheboksary that offer prostitutes both for in and out calls. You can easily find their contacts on the internet and in local newspapers. These venues are gradually fading away, because prostitutes start working for themselves. Agencies keep all profit and give a girl only 1000 rubles/17$ per day, that's why shy will be very grateful if you leave her some pocket money.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There is no transsexual escorts in Cheboksary. Local crossrdessers prefer to meet people they like and not necessarily receive money for that. There are a few of them and they do it for fun and own pleasure. You will find their ads on the Internet and in private groups on social networks.

Gay and Lesbian

It is not easy to find a working gay or a lesbian here. You can try to ask an escort agency and they may be able to find one. If not, try your chances on local dating websites and in social networks - there may be a few people looking for a homosexual love.

Sexual Services for Women

There are basically 2 options for women sex travelers in Cheboksary: to hire a man prostitute or to pick a local man up from numerous pubs and bars and have sex with him at his place or her hotel.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

If you want to make your sexual life diverse and more interesting, you can go shopping to local adult stores. Here you can find amazing toys, lingerie and costumes that will turn you and your partner on. These stores offer delivery to your place and sell products online. You can also buy condoms and potency pills in these sex shops.

  • Amour21, Universitetskaya street 32/70 (ул. Университетская, 32/70), tel.: 372830
  • Клубничка, Karl Marx street 47 (ул. К.Маркса, 47), tel.: 431414
  • Эролав, Lenina avenue 56 (пр. Ленина, 56), tel.: 89033576969


You can choose to stay in a hotel or in a private apartment in Cheboksary. If sex tourism is a purpose of your visit, then you should rather choose the second option. This way you will have less "ears" and more privacy. Such accommodation allows you to be free in choosing whom and when you want to bring over. Just keep your valuables safe because you are not secure in a private apartment.

Stay Safe

Cheboksary is one of the many Russian cities that took part in the program "Safe city". Under this program, the whole city was equipped with cameras - streets, parks, yards, and now public places are watched 24/7. This program led to a significant decreasing of crime rates, that's why a foreign tourist should be safe when traveling to Cheboksary.

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